Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Homemade Cookie Dough Ornaments that are so easy to make with just a few ingredients and a little creativity  I used
cheap acrylic paints and markers.  I used whatever I had on hand.  Bottom skirt was made out of cupcake liners.
You know how much I enjoy cooking.  There is nothing wrong with a good homemade meal, that is so much cheaper and healthier for you.  I feel there is something special when it is homemade.  Not to mention the savings.   So with that in mind, I've been busy baking non edible cookies to decorate my tree.  They also make nice gifts as well.  I thought I'd share how easy and fun it is to make these cute ornaments.  Here is a simple recipe.
Knead dough until it is no longer sticky and is moldable.
  • Flour 1 1/2 cups
  • Baby powder or cornstarch 2 tablespoons
  • Salt 1 cup
  • Warm water 1/2 cup warm
I used star cookie cutters, and oval shaped Easter egg cutters, as well
and chocolate candy molds.  I painted them with $1.00 acrylic paints
I found at the dollar store.  I used black permanent markers for Santa's
boots, eyes and belt.
  • Preheat oven to 225 F
  • Mix warm water and salt till dissolved
  • Add flour and 1 tablespoon baby powder knead till dough is no longer sticky.  (May need to add more water or flour.)
  • Divide into 4 parts
  • Roll 1/4 of the dough between wax or parchmont paper into approximately 1/4 inch thick.  Freeze for 15 minutes
  • Remove, paper and dust dough with baby powder.
  • Cut using cookie cutters or molds immediately to avoid sticking to cookie cutter.
  • Bake on cookie sheet for 4-5 hours.
  • Cool before handling
Have fun decorating with paints, markers, jewels,clay or ribbon.  So till the next time...Many blessings:)


Mary Helen
Here I used polymer clay found at a craft store.  I put this on top of the
star cookies and baked it in another oven for 20 minutes.

I got some wire and gave Mrs. Clause glasses:)

I made an angel out of cupcake liners, sprayed her with hairspray, and wired
 her with with a gold halo.  I glued her atop the oval cookie.

I gave Santa a beard using polymer clay.  I attached the the clay to the cookie

I dusted a candy mold and put my dough in.  After I baked it, I painted
 it with cheap acrylic paint.

Same thing here...just gave it a different backround, with gold thick glitter.

After painting it yellow, I found tranparent tissue  with words at the dollar store.
I mixed equal parts elmer glue and water to glue to to the cookie.

Here I didn''t paint it, just mixed the Elmers glue, with water and applied the
tissue paper and wrapped the star carefully as the paper is wet.

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